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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A Brief Break in lessons and why im qualified to write this SEO blog.

Sorry for the delay in getting to lesson two. I am now working on it and will be posting it sometime tomorrow so come back for more tips. Right now I would like to share my success with SEO recently, just more proof that by following my tips you can rank well in the search engines as well. Here are some of my rankings as of this writing.

Heroes blog:
heroes theories - 3
heroes synopsis - 4
heroes summary - 4
heroes season 1 final episode summary - 10
heroes tv show timeline - 9
heroes episode summary - 8
summary of new heroes episode - 1
heroes episodes plot summary - 6
heroes show timing - 5
theories on Heroes - 2
heroes season 1 summary - 4
heroes season finale synopsis - 10
latest heroes episode discussion - 2
heroes episode theories - 1
(Most of these are ranked equally on Yahoo as well.
These are only some and not all of the rankings for this site.)

Online Income Streams blog:
online income streams - 4
best online income streams - 2
And this one is ridiculous. Out of 37,900,000 websites my blog is ranked
#13 for the highly competitive keyphrase "tips on making money online" on Yahoo.

Addiction to Redemption blog
redemption and addiction - 5
how to help someone get sober - 10
what to expect when living sober - 24
letting go of the past after you get sober - 8
addiction to people - 8
sober living tips - 16
sober recovery addiction blog - 3
sober blogs - 24
helping someone get sober - 13
redemption and sobriety - 1
Explain redemption when it comes recovery - 1

Unique visitors

keyword summary

I have also posted a link to a couple tracker screenshots for my heroes site, one with a keyword summary, and one with the total number of unique visitors for the past couple days. Have a wonderful day, and stop back tomorrow because Lesson 2 will be up!!

Listening to: Buckcherry - Everything
via FoxyTunes


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